Welcome to JR & AHMC Consulting For Engineering and Telecoms Expertise E2E All Technologies For Wireless Networks Operators, Telecoms Equipment Providers, Telecoms Engineering Schools, Consulting Entities in Digital and Telecoms Services in France, Europe, Africa and Middle East.
Wireless Network Operators are very often Confronted to the following Issues :
- E2E Problems,
- Interworking Problems,
- Major Telecom Funtions Validation on the Network,
- 3GPP Compliance issues,
- Expert Telecoms Training on Major Telecom Functions,
- Performance Problems,
- Quality of Service (QoS) Problems,
- Crash Program Problems,
- Maintenance Problems,
- Troubleshooting Problems,
- Competent Technical Support Problems regarding Offers.
Specialized Telecom Engineers Schools are Confronted to the following Problems :
- Specialized Telecom Engineers Schools Never Experienced the Live Network,
- No Dedicated Training on The 3GPP Major Telecom Functions.
JR & AHMC Consulting Provides the following Means & Methods to Solve Wireless Networks Operators and Telecom Engineers Schools Problems :
- JR & AHMC Consulting Has the Expertise and the Competency From the Greatest Networks Operators Worldwide Through its Experts Telecoms Engineers E2E All Technologies 2G/3G/4G/5G to Support Operators in All Phases of the Development of their Networks,
- JR & AHMC Consulting Proposes Trainings/Seminars Sessions For Specialized Telecom Engineers on his Premises or on Operators Premises or on Telecom Engineers School Premises,
- JR & AHMC Consulting Has the Full Skillness of the Following Providers Solutions : Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, Siemens, Nortel, Ericsson, Huawei and others versus 3GPP.
Our Services
- Engineering & Expertise E2E of Telecoms Networks All Technologies 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G.
- Troubleshooting of Performance and QoS Problems in order to Find the Root Causes and To Propose Some Appropriate Solutions.
- Technical Support on Offers.
- Expertise of Telecom Functions bought by Operators according to the 3GPP Compliance.
- Internet of Things Expertise “IoT”,
- Passive Intermodulation Expertise ” PIM “.
- Frequency Planning Expertise For Operators.
- Competent Technical Support based on Local Competencies to Allow to Have the Full Control E2E of the Network Support by Local Competent People.
- Seminars and Trainings For Specialized Telecom Engineers via 3 to 5 days session.
- Those Seminars or Trainings are Managed by some Experts Telecoms E2E Engineers who have Experienced their Knowledges on the Greatest Networks Worldwide.